Abdorrahman Boroumand Center

for Human Rights in Iran

Omid, a memorial in defense of human rights in Iran
One Person’s Story

Hushang Rajabi


Age: 33
Nationality: Iran
Religion: Islam
Civil Status: Married


Date of Killing: January 14, 1982
Location of Killing: Central Prison (Vakilabad Prison), Mashhad, Khorasan\Khorasan-e Razavi Province, Iran
Mode of Killing: Hanging
Charges: Murder
Age at time of alleged offense: 33

About this Case

Mr. Rajabi “was known as a morally strong, influential, and honorable man.  He was religious and virtuous.” 

News of the execution of Mr. Hushang Rajabi, son of Shahrbanou and Gholam Ali, was electronically transmitted to Abdorrahman Boroumand Center by one of his close relatives (May 30, 2019).  An additional source of information about this execution was an interview with one of Mr. Rajabi’s relatives (February 10, 2020).  This execution was also reported in Mojahed Newsletter, edition #261, published by Mojahedin Khalq Organization, on September 6, 1985.  This publication includes an itemized list of 12028 people.  Most of them belong to anti government political groups.  These individuals have either been executed, or killed in altercations with government forces, from June 20, 1981 up to the publication of this Newsletter.  Mashhad Behesht-e-Zahra organization sent his burial permit to Boroumand Foundation, and his Birth Certificate was received by email. 

Mr. Rajabi was born in the village of Hasanijeh, Najaf Abad jurisdiction, in Esfahan Province.  He had a diploma in mechanics, and he was employed as a driver.  He was married and had a son.  Mr. Rajabi was a member of the Mojahedin Khalq Organization of Iran. 

Mr. Rajabi’s political activities included distribution of proclamations, selling publications, and other activities in the organization. Mr. Rajabi had been politically active in Esfahan, during the reign of the Shah, and had spent a year in prison.  After he got married, he moved to Mashhad and continued his political activities there. 

Mr. Rajabi “was known as a morally strong, influential, and honorable man.  He was religious and virtuous.” ( ABC Interview) 

The Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO)

The Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) was founded in 1965. This organization adapted the principles of Islam as its ideological guideline. However, its members’ interpretation of Islam was revolutionary and they believed in armed struggle against the Shah’s regime. They valued Marxism as a progressive method for economic and social analysis but considered Islam as their source of inspiration, culture, and ideology. In the 1970s, the MKO was weakened when many of its members were imprisoned and executed. In 1975, following a deep ideological crisis, the organization refuted Islam as its ideology and, after a few of its members were killed and other Muslim members purged, the organization proclaimed Marxism as its ideology. This move led to split of the Marxist-Leninist Section of the MKO in 1977. In January of 1979, the imprisoned Muslim leaders of the MKO were released along with other political prisoners. They began to re-organize the MKO and recruit new members based on Islamic ideology. After the 1979 Revolution and the establishment of the Islamic Republic, the MKO accepted the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini and supported the Revolution. Active participation in the political scene and infiltration of governmental institutions were foremost on the organization’s agenda.  During the first two years after the Revolution, the MKO succeeded in recruiting numerous sympathizers, especially in high schools and universities; but its efforts to gain political power, either by appointment or election, were strongly opposed by the Islamic Republic leaders.* 

Arrest and Detention 

Mr. Rajabi was arrested in the summer of 1981.  Officers who had had him under surveillance, picked him up in the street in Mashhad. He was incarcerated in Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad.  In the dead of winter, the prisoners were kept in tents, containers, or in the prison yard.  They had no access to heating systems or sanitary conditions (Interview).  Mr. Rajabi spent more than five months in prison. 


The Revolutionary Court of Mashhad put Mr. Rajabi on trial.  There is no information on the details of his trial. 


There is no information on the charges brought against Mr. Rajabi. 

Evidence of Guilt 

The evidence provided against Mr. Rajabi was “discovery of a Colt gun, at the time of arrest” (ABC Interview). 


No information is available on Mr. Rajabi’s defense. 


The Revolutionary Court of Mashhad sentenced Mr. Hushang Rajabi to death, on September 9, 1981. On January 14, 1982, Mr. Rajabi and eleven other people were executed by firing squad in Vakil Abad Prison, Mashhad. 

Since Mr. Rajabi’s family lived in Esfahan, it took some time for them to be notified of their son’s execution and for them to travel to Mashhad. Therefore, the date of burial is January 19, 1982, on the burial permit.  The cause of death is recorded as “two gunshots to the heart and to the head”. Mr. Rajabi’s body was claimed by his father.  His relatives said, “According to his mother, when they went to the morgue, all the bodies of the executed were in a tangled pile.  The families were obliged to go through the pile, identify their son, and claim the body.  His mother said that they had seen bruises and signs of torture on his body, and that he had lost a lot of weight.”  

The family of Mr. Rajabi did not have permission to wash his body according to Islamic traditions.  Nor were they allowed to have memorial mourning gatherings for him.  The officials at Behesht-e-Reza Cemetery in Mashhad did not even lend them a vehicle to transport the body.  There was heavy snowfall, and with great difficulty and on foot, they had to take to body from the morgue to the cemetery. His family say that every year, government officials use loaders to level the cemetery section for executed people, discouraging family visits and memorial ceremonies for loved ones. In the Behesht-e-Reza Cemetery Mashhad, site, Mr. Rajabi’s name is registered.


The exclusion of MKO members from government offices and the closure of their centers and publishing houses, in conjunction with to the Islamic Republic authorities’ different interpretation of Islam, widened the gap between the two. Authorities of the new regime referred to the Mojahedin as “Hypocrites” and the Hezbollahi supporters of the regime attacked the Mojahedin sympathizers regularly during demonstrations and while distributing publications, leading to the death of several MKO supporters. On June 20, 1981, the MKO called for a demonstration protesting their treatment by governmental officials and the government officials’ efforts to impeach their ally, President Abolhassan Banisadr. Despite the fact that the regime called this demonstration illegal, thousands came to the streets, some of whom confronted the Revolutionary Guardsmen and Hezbollahis. The number of casualties that resulted from this demonstration is unknown but a large number of demonstrators were arrested and executed in the following days and weeks. The day after the demonstration, the Islamic Republic regime started a repressive campaign – unprecedented in modern Iranian history. Thousands of MKO members and sympathizers were arrested or executed. On June 21, 1981, the MKO announced an armed struggle against the Islamic Republic and assassinated a number of high-ranking officials and supporters of the Islamic regime.
In the summer of 1981, the leader of the MKO and the impeached President (Banisadr) fled Iran to reside in France, where they founded the National Council of Resistance. After the MKO leaders and many of its members were expelled from France, they went to Iraq and founded the National Liberation Army of Iran in 1987, which entered Iranian territory a few times during the Iran-Iraq war. They were defeated in July 1988 during their last operation, the “Forugh Javidan” Operation. A few days after this operation, thousands of imprisoned Mojahedin supporters were killed during the mass executions of political prisoners in 1988. Ever since the summer of 1981, the MKO has continued its activities outside of Iran. No information is available regarding members and activities of the MKO inside the country. 
In spite of the “armed struggle” announcement by the MKO on June 20, 1981, many sympathizers of the organization had no military training, were not armed, and did not participate in armed conflict.

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