Abdorrahman Boroumand Center

for Human Rights in Iran

Promoting tolerance and justice through knowledge and understanding
Pro-Democracy Opposition Since 1979


Ali Afshari, Reza Delbari, Naser Zarafshan,Mohammad Mohsen Sazegara, Mehrangiz Kar, Mohammad Maleki and Abdollah Mo'meni
October 31, 2004

The experiences of the last twenty-six years along with the numerous small and large disasters which have humiliated and isolated the people of Iran clearly demonstrate that there is but one ultimate path for ending the continuing state of crisis and freeing the suffering Iranian nation:

The Creation of a Democratic System of Government which is in harmony with the Provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Only a government supported by the will of the majority and committed to the maintenance of Iran's territorial integrity, national interest and peaceful coexistence within the international community, which is also mindful of its own cultural heritage and economic advantages can lead the country to the shores of eventual salvation.

In order to achieve such an end, the drafting of a new national constitution and the choosing of a popular system of government is the first imperative step. The experiences of the past eight years demonstrate, in particular, that under the current constitution and its designated system of government, the possibility of promoting any meaningful reform in the country is inconceivable.

Therefore, mindful that the Constitution of the Islamic Republic and the actions of its various institutions:

stand in stark contradiction to the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the rights and individual liberties of all citizens;

Foster inequalities amongst Iranian citizens while promoting religious, ideological and gender discrimination. Also, by adopting a system of government based on religious despotism, it effectively deprives the Iranian people of their right to popular sovereignty.

Place serious barriers to progress in all fields, such as economic development and the promotion of social justice in Iran.

And finally prevent the integration of Iran with the wider community of free nations, thereby compromising the interests of Iran in the sphere of foreign and diplomatic relations.

We, the signatories of this appeal, wish to call for the staging of a national referendum with the free participation of the Iranian people, under the supervision of appropriate international institutions and observers, for the drafting of a new constitution that is compatible with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all its associated covenants. We ask all patriotic and progress seeking people of Iran to support this appeal with their signatures so that the true voice and sentiments of the Iranian nation may be loudly proclaimed to the outside world.