Tanguestani The Brave

Mehdi Aslani's memoirs "The Raven and the Red Rose" was first published in the summer 2009 in Germany by Arash publishing house. The author is a former sympathizer of the People's Fadai'an Organization (PFO) (Marxist Leninist). In 1981 this organization split in two,PFO Majority Branch allied itself with the pro-soviet Tudeh party, while PFO Minority Branch refused to ally itself with the Tudeh party which promoted the support of the Islamic Republic. Mehdi Aslani continued his political activism with PFO minority in the opposition to the Islamic regime of Iran. "Tanguestani the Brave" is an annex to Aslani's prison Memoirs dedicated to Kazem Khoshabi, one of the victims of 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran.
This document is only available in Farsi.