Advanced Search
If you are looking for a specific person, for example a friend or relative
The easiest way to find a particular person is to search by name. Enter the victim's full name in the "Name" field and click the Search button. If you do not get any results, you may want to try entering only the family name, or only the first name.
Sometimes the name in our database will be spelled differently from how you would expect, because the entries come from a variety of sources including government records, newspaper articles, and personal accounts. The search tool automatically tries common spelling variations, but for uncommon names you may need to try a different spelling on your own, or enter only a partial name. For example, to search for the name Shirazi, you could enter "Shir" in the search box.
If you are looking for a particular person and you know their name, it is usually best not to choose any of the other search criteria (Age, Religion, etc.). Our data is not always complete, so entering additional search criteria could prevent you from finding someone.
If you do not know the person's name, then please follow the tips for a general search, below.
If you are making a general search, for example for women or children
To make a general search, leave the "Name" field blank, and choose as many other critieria as you require. Remember that the more choices you make, the smaller the number of results you will get. Searching for "all female victims" will give you many more results than searching for "all Sunni female victims between the ages of 30 and 49".
You must select at least one search criterion in order to perform a search.
After performing your search
After you click the "Search" button, you will see a page that lists the names of each victim who matches the criteria you have chosen. Click on any victim's name to see a full page with details about their life and execution. If you have any additional information about any victim, we encourage you to click the "Correct this entry" button at the bottom of the victim's page.