Abdorrahman Boroumand Center

for Human Rights in Iran

Omid, a memorial in defense of human rights in Iran
One Person’s Story

Javad Akhgar


Nationality: Iran
Religion: Unknown
Civil Status: Unknown


Date of Killing: October 5, 1981
Location of Killing: Evin Prison, Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Mode of Killing: Unspecified execution method
Charges: War on God, God's Prophet and the deputy of the Twelfth Imam; Participating in armed demonstrations; Armed rebellion against the Islamic Republic; Fighting against the revolution/blocking the path of God; Corruption on earth

About this Case

The news of the execution of Mr. Javad Akhgar, along with that of 60 others, was released by the Public Relations of the General Prosecutor's Office in a communiqué published in the Jomhuri Eslami daily on October 6, 1981.

The communiqué, which specifies that those executed were “members and sympathizers of the anti-people groups who had risen against Islam and the Qur'an”, begins as follows:

“By purging the corruptors, clean the earth from corruption (Qur'an Karim).

Those who have not embraced faith and are combating in an idolatrous path are forming rank against pious people, and, by martyring the best and purest men, are attesting to the fact that they are mercenaries of the great powers. It is the duty of you pious men to stand up against them and uproot infidelity and hypocrisy.”

Arrest and detention

The circumstances of this defendant’s arrest and detention are not known.


No information is available on the defendant’s trial.


There is no mention of the charges brought against this defendant. The General Prosecutor's Office does, however, provide specific charges against one of the 61 individuals named in the communiqué:

"It must be noted that Mohammad Kazem Golzadeh Ghafuri was directly involved in the attack against the Majlis [parliament] during which he had opened fire on the revolutionary guards in charge of the Majlis shuraye Eslami. He was an active member of the military teams of the Monafeqin [Hypocrites, term used by the Islamic Republic authorities when referring to the People’s Mojaheddin Organization] and had also a role in the unsuccessful assassination attempt on Mr. Hojatolesalm Khaz'ali and Hojatoleslam Musavi Tabrizi, the General Prosecutor of the Revolution."

The communiqué notes that all the other defendants were members and sympathizers of groups that it does not identify but refers to as “anti-people groups.” The charges against these groups, as specified in the communiqué, are as follows:

" [rising] against Islam and the Qur'an by participating in armed demonstrations and clashes with the Revolutionary Guards, imposing martyrdom on people who are faithful to the revolution, being present in safe houses, identifying and assassinating known clerics and state dignitaries, carrying arms and grenades to oppose defenseless people, taking action in order to blow up various centers, and being involved in armed carjacking and bank robberies."

Evidence of guilt

The statement issued by the Prosecutor’s Office does not contain information regarding the evidence provided against the defendant.


No information is available on the accused’s defense.


Based on the Public Prosecutor’s Office communiqué, the defendant was sentenced to death for being “rebellious against Islam”, “an enemy of God”, and “a corruptor on earth.” The sentence was carried out at dawn in the courtyard of the Prison.

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