Abdorrahman Boroumand Center

for Human Rights in Iran

Omid, a memorial in defense of human rights in Iran
One Person’s Story

Abdollah Sedaqati Taqva


Nationality: Iran
Religion: Non-Believer
Civil Status: Married


Date of Killing: October 12, 1981
Location of Killing: Evin Prison, Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Mode of Killing: Shooting
Charges: Armed robbery; Actively opposing the Islamic Republic; Armed rebellion against the Islamic Republic; Attempt to assassinate or assassination of state dignitaries; Bombing; Counter revolutionary opinion and/or speech; Living in safe houses; Membership of anti-regime guerilla group; Participating in armed demonstrations; Plotting to overthrow the Islamic Republic; Possession of arms

About this Case

Mr. Abdollah Sedaqati Taqva, son of Ali, (as a sympathizer of the Mojahedin) is one of the 12,028 individuals listed in an addendum to the Mojahed magazine (No 261), published by Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) on September 6, 1985. The list includes individuals, affiliated with various opposition groups, who were executed or killed during clashes with the Islamic Republic security forces from June 1981 to the publication date of the magazine. The Public Prosecutor’s Office issued a communiqué announcing the execution of 73 individuals, including Mr. Sedaqati Taqva, which was published in the Ettela’at and Kayhan newspapers on October 12, 1981.

Additional information about Mr. Abdollah Sedaqati Taqva is taken from the book Our Martyrs for Freedom and Socialism by Rah-e Kargar publications. He was a student at the Polytechnic University of Tehran and a sympathizer of the Revolutionary Workers Organization of Iran, Rah-e Kargar.

“Rah-e Kargar” or the “Revolutionary Workers Organization of Iran” was established in the summer of 1979. The Organization was founded by individuals from various leftist groups who rejected the idea of armed struggle and believed in political action. They identified themselves as Marxist-Leninists, promoting a socialist revolution and the leadership of the proletariat. They differed with the pro-Soviet communist party, Tudeh, in that they opposed the Islamic Republic and Ayatollah Khomeini’s leadership.

Arrest and detention

The circumstances of this defendant’s arrest and detention are unknown. According to the Rah-e Kargar book, Mr. Abdollah Sedaqati Taqva was arrested along with his pregnant wife in July, 1981, and they were taken to Evin Prison.


No information is available on the trial.


The communiqué of the Public Prosecutor’s office announced the charges against Mr. Abdollah Sedaqati Taqva and 72 other individuals collectively. These charges are as follows: “shooting towards defenseless people; armed clashes with Revolutionary Guard brothers; being present in safe houses [owned/rented by business] companies while participating in Organizational activities; actively participating in recent armed demonstration; carrying razors, salt, pepper, and acid in order to fight the Hezbollahi nation; being a member of propagandist teams; planning and participating in the assassinations that led to the martyrdom of believers in the Revolution and patriotic servants such as martyr Doctor Hassan Ayat and a number of Revolutionary Guard brothers; participating in throwing Molotov cocktails and grenades at various centers such as the Revolutionary Guards Headquarters, Revolutionary Committees, and buses of the Vahed Company; overseeing the commanders of operational and propagandist teams; carrying illegal weapons and explosives; being present in organizational meetings; attacking innocent people with rocks and sticks; identifying houses, shops, and servants of the Revolution and Islam; substantial financial and operational aid for the organizations; membership in armed groups and teams for overthrowing the Islamic Republic; cooperating and participating in concealing a large number of weapons and explosives; armed robbery of banks, houses, shops and others’ belongings; gathering biased articles and untrue news to accuse the Revolutionary organizations and individuals; carrying and using illegal narcotic substances; attempting to bomb a hospital to kill the sick and injured; illegally using the Revolutionary Guard’s uniforms in order to perform cowardly acts; hypocritical [adjective used by the Islamic regime in refer to the MKO] infiltrations into Revolutionary organizations, Islamic councils, and government offices; creating various organizational groups; attracting and deviating the unsuspecting youth towards the Organization [MKO] and giving them terrorist missions; leaving their houses and cars in the control of teams to be used for counter Revolutionary acts; stealing license plates; forging various documents; and attempting to bomb governmental and private institutions”

The validity of the criminal charges brought against this defendant cannot be ascertained in the absence of the basic guarantees of a fair trial.

Evidence of guilt

The report of this execution contains no evidence provided against the defendant.


No information is available about his defense.


The Central Islamic Revolutionary Tribunal condemned Mr. Abdollah Sedaqati Taqva to death. He was executed by a firing squad at Evin Prison on October 12, 1981.

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