Abdorrahman Boroumand Center

for Human Rights in Iran

Omid, a memorial in defense of human rights in Iran
One Person’s Story

Asghar ( Fathollah ) Abrisham Baf


Age: 22
Nationality: Iran
Religion: Islam
Civil Status: Single


Date of Killing: September 27, 1981
Location of Killing: Esfahan, Esfahan Province, Iran
Mode of Killing: Shooting
Charges: Sympathizing with anti-regime guerilla groups; War on God, God's Prophet and the deputy of the Twelfth Imam

About this Case

Case Remarks

The information about the execution of Mr. Asghar Abrisham Baf and 52 other individuals was released in a communique of the Esfahan Islamic Revolutionary Tribunal, published in the newspaper Jomhuri Eslami, September 30, 1981.

This execution was also reported in an addendum to the Mojahed magazine (No 261), published by Mojahedin Khalq Organization in 1985. The list includes 12028 individuals, affiliated with various opposition groups, who were executed or killed during clashes with the Islamic Republic security forces from June 1981 to the publication date of the magazine.

Arrest and detention

No information is available about Mr. Abrisham Baf's arrest or detention.


No information is available about the defendant's trial.


Mr. Abrisham Baf was accused of "being a member of the armed wing of the People' s Mojahedin Organization... armed action against the Islamic Republic of Iran, terror, murder and attacking the revolutionary guard and bassij brothers, attacking the Bassij dormitories, throwing Molotov cocktails and three ways [explosives] in public places, [aiming] cars and shops of the revolutionary guards, Bassij and the hezbollahi people."

These charges are collective and brought against the defendant and 52 other individuals. The prosecution does not mention any specific offense for the defendant.

Evidence of guilt

No information is available about evidence presented against the defendant.


No information is available about Mr. Abrisham Baf's defense.


He was found guilty of "armed rebellion against the Islamic Republic", and sentenced to death. He was executed on Sunday night, September 27th.

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