"The Bill on the Right to Peaceful Protest" in Conversation with the Secretary General of the Islamic Iran Zamin Party

Why were the teachers denied a peaceful protest permit? / Protesters took to the streets when no permit was granted / The timeline for applying for protest permits in Iran and around the world
Ra'ufian to Khabar Online: "The esteemed Minister of Interior made one or two requests during the unrest, saying that the protesters' security had to be ensured to prevent the situation from escalating into riots. We all saw that the protesters, especially the pensioners, took to the streets when they realized they were not allowed legal gatherings and marches.
Javad Morshedi: Under international law, it is the responsibility of governments and law enforcement agencies to facilitate the right to peaceful protest. In Europe, the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights applies, with Article 11 specifically monitoring freedom of protest and association. In addition, Article 21 of the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) also guarantees the right to peaceful protest, stating: "The right to freedom of peaceful protest shall be recognized. No restrictions shall be placed on the exercise of this right. While most countries in the world are parties to this covenant, each member state makes decisions regarding protests based on its own prevailing laws and customs. The table below analyzes the timeline for applying for a permit to demonstrate in various countries:
Timeline by country to apply for a protest permit:
Country |
Membership in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights |
Timeframe for Submitting protest Permit Requests |
Iran |
Yes |
5 to 20 days before the event |
United Kingdom |
Yes |
6 days before the event |
France |
Yes |
2 days before the event |
Germany |
Yes |
2 days before the event |
Russia |
Yes |
6 days before the event |
China |
Yes |
5 days before the event |
North Korea |
Withdrawn in 1997 |
— |
In our country, Article 27 of the Constitution refers to protests and marches, officially recognizing the right of the people to protest and providing a legal framework to support this right. However, this issue has been largely neglected for years. Following last year's protests and riots, and after repeated requests from some political parties, the president recently sent a bill to parliament to complete the legal formalities. The bill was approved by the cabinet in early February last year. Two days later, the Interior Minister announced plans to designate specific locations for legal gatherings based on the population of each city. He mentioned that there had been requests for rallies last year that could not be accommodated. According to the Ministry of Interior, organizers of protests must submit their applications through a special system at least 5 to 20 working days before the planned event. Organizers must provide detailed information, including the names of the organizers, the purpose of the demonstration, the location, date and time, the estimated number of participants, the names of speakers, the text of the resolution, and a list of equipment and materials to be used. The ministry has indicated that ten specific locations in the capital will be designated for holding such legal gatherings.
Khabar Online discussed the issue with Abolqasem Ra'ufian, secretary general of the Islamic Iran Zamin Party and one of those who applied for legal gatherings last year.
Khabar Online: Recently, the Minister of the Interior announced that a bill had been sent to Parliament to designate specific areas in cities for legal gatherings based on population. He said, "If the bill is approved, we will have to allocate suitable places for gatherings. He added, "During the riots, we received one or two requests and made it very clear that the safety of the demonstrators must be ensured. In times of unrest, there is a risk that gatherings could turn into riots." I remember that you were one of the people who, in addition to sending two letters to the Ministry of the Interior, actively followed up on this issue with the Deputy Minister of Political Affairs. What is your estimation of the likelihood that this bill will be approved by Parliament?
Abolqasem Ra'ufian: "Prevent the crisis before it happens, for regret is no use if the opportunity is lost."
I am really puzzled as to why governments, through certain decisions, drive people to passive-aggressive behavior. How many times does the wise leader of the revolution have to advise statesmen to open up the political space of the country and create free-speech platforms to express people's expectations and grievances? The very ideology of Islam is based on freedom of expression and the promotion of thought, to the extent that individuals are encouraged to reject coercion and seek certainty - core principles of free speech - within the framework of religious teachings to avoid deviation. Indeed, the way to attain certainty in the Oneness of God is recommended through inquiry and research, not through imitation. This is precisely why the Qur'an and Islam are described in sixteen verses as "Mubeen" (clear). It is not only clear in itself, but also a revealer of truth from falsehood, based on logic that distinguishes and guides the path of salvation and happiness from that of misguidance and misery.
With this introduction, the question arises: Why shouldn't the officials of the Islamic Republic think, speak and act on the basis of these principles? The bill approved by the cabinet is nothing more than what is already enshrined in the constitution and cannot impose any restrictions on Article 27. Even during the previous presidential administration, regulations to ensure the safety of gatherings and processions were approved but never implemented. If the law were enforced, it would itself act as a preventive measure against crime. This is precisely why Sa'adi, may he rest in peace, said: "Prepare for war in times of peace, for when the flood comes, no dam can be built."
This metaphor underscores the importance of prevention. It would have been wise to issue permits before the riots to avoid escalation. Even now, Parliament must approve the bill - it cannot refuse - because our supreme document, the Constitution, clearly says "yes" to protests and marches. Therefore, no authority can say no.
The Honorable Minister of the Interior mentioned that during the riots, the safety of the protesters should have been ensured to prevent the situation from escalating into riots. Well, we all saw that when the demonstrators, especially the pensioners, realized that they were not given permission to legally assemble and march, they took to the streets. They stood in front of the relevant institutions, chanting slogans and some opportunistic opposition elements intervened and turned the situation into chaos. Moreover, the minister's statement that "if the safety of the demonstrators is guaranteed, we have no problem with gatherings" came three or four days after my interview with Rooydad News, in which I called on the Ministry of Interior to issue a permit for a gathering of retired education employees. Subsequently, in two official letters in December and February, several months after the riots, I formally requested a permit to prevent possible riots and to take preventive measures before a crisis occurred. Unfortunately, my efforts were not successful.
Khabar Online: The Interior Minister has stated that at the time in question, the legal activities of the applicants were suspended due to the non-holding of protests. Did this apply to your party as well?
Abolqasem Ra'ufian: No, never. The Islamic Iran Zamin Party is one of the parties whose name was included in the first list of 81 political parties and groups that adapted their statutes to the new party law. Since then, as in the past, it has remained an active and legal national party in the political arena. It is also one of the 7-8 really active parties among the 120 legal parties in the country, standing on its own feet and continuing its activities despite all the challenges.
Khabar Online: To what extent can the passage and implementation of such a law address the legitimate demands of political parties?
Abolqasem Ra'ufian: Since the implementation of Article 27 of the Constitution is possible through Article 26, political parties, as legitimate organizations advocating public demands, can play a crucial role. By organizing legal gatherings and creating a platform for protesters to express their complaints through legal channels, they can effectively convey these legitimate and legal demands to officials. Therefore, while the passage of such a law is necessary and essential, it is not enough. The key lies in its implementation. As noted above, it will only be effective if it is enforced. Unfortunately, this is an area where successive governments have consistently fallen short.
Khabar Online: In such a situation, would it be the responsibility of the Ministry of Interior or the requesting parties to ensure the safety of the demonstrators?
Abolqasem Ra'ufian: In my opinion, it is the responsibility of the Ministry of Interior. This is also clear from the minister's remarks, where he said that the safety of protesters must be guaranteed before rallies are held.
Khabar Online: To what extent could the creation of such an environment help to meet professional requirements and, on the other hand, reduce tensions and maintain social peace?
Abolqasem Ra'ufian: Of course, it would be effective. However, if the authorities do not really address the legitimate demands raised by the parties and the protesters during these rallies and marches, it could undoubtedly lead to negative consequences.
What is the reason for the fact that the protesters did not have access to the existing political parties in order to advocate for their demands? What do you think is causing this problem?
Abolqasem Ra'ufian: During the recent unfortunate events that have affected us and the people, my party became a point of contact for respected retirees and veteran educators. These individuals, who have every right to a dignified life - especially from high-ranking national officials - were wronged by the failure to implement the permanent law ensuring 90% pension adjustments. Their main expectation from us was simple: to obtain a permit for a peaceful protest so that they could legally express their concerns and demands. What I want to say is that if a political party truly fulfills its mission - to stand with the people, to speak from their perspective, and to express their concerns - then people will naturally turn to them to express their grievances and share their professional and social needs. At the same time, government recognition and support of political parties can significantly influence this dynamic. Unfortunately, governments have repeatedly fallen short in this regard, earning a negative track record.