Abdorrahman Boroumand Center

for Human Rights in Iran

Promoting tolerance and justice through knowledge and understanding

Flogging, 7 Individuals, Arak, Ettela'at, August 8, 1979

August 8, 1979
Newspaper article

Ettela'at Newspaper


August 8, 1979

Domestic news, Page 3



The Guardians of the Islamic Revolution Komiteh of Arak arrested three men and a married woman who were in the act of committing adultery.

It was said that after Sedigheh's trial, the aformentioned woman and one of the men, named Sohrab, were sentenced to death but after the woman's husband forgave her, the sentences were reduced. 

Sohrab was sentenced to 175 lashes, Sedigheh to 79 lashes, the two other men, Mohammad Ali and Hossein, to 100 lashes each. The sentence was immediately carried out, in public, in the city's Azadi square. 

In the meantime, 7 individuals in Arak were sentenced to 20 lashes each for drinking alcohol, and the sentence was carried out at the Komiteh.