UN Commission on Human Rights Resolution on the Situation of Human Rights in Iran, 4 March 1992

54th meeting
4 March 1992
[Adopted by 40 votes to none, with
11 abstentions. See chap. XVII.]
1992/67: Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran
The Commission on Human Rights
Guided by the principles embodied in the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights,
Reaffirming that all Member States have an obligation to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms and to fulfill the obligations they have undertaken under the various international instruments in the field,
Recalling its pertinent resolutions, including its most recent resolution, 1991/82 of 7 March 1991, as well as those of the General Assembly, including its most recent resolution, 45/173 of 18 December 1990, and those of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, including its most recent resolution, 1991/9 of 23 August 1991,
Welcoming the cooperation extended by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Special Representative of the Commission regarding his recent visit to that country,
Welcoming also the fact that the International Committee of the Red Cross has finally been enabled by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to pay visits to prisons in that country in accordance with the established criteria of the International committee,
Recalling that in its resolution 1991/82 it requested the Special Representative to submit a report, to be considered by the Commission and is conclusion that during 1991 no appreciable progress occurred in the Islamic Republic of Iran towards improved compliance with human rights in accordance with the current international instruments (see E/CN.4/1992/34, para. 474),
Noting that the Sub-Commission, in its resolution 1991/9, expressed deep concern at the escalading grave violations of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran,
1. Takes note with appreciation of the report of the Special Representative of the Commission (E/CN.4/1992/34) and the observations contained therein;
2. Expresses its deep concern at continuing reports of violations of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran;
3. Expresses its concern more specifically at the main weaknesses, according to the Special Representative, of the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran, namely, the lack of guarantees of due process of law, discriminatory treatment of certain groups of citizens for reason of their religious beliefs, notably the Baha’is, the lack of independent associations and the absence of a climate of legal security and guarantees for the freedom of expression and literary and artistic creativity;
4. Expresses its grave concern at the fact that, contrary to the Special Representative’s recommendation, the application of the death penalty has not diminished but increased;
5. Welcomes the fact that the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has permitted the Special Representative to visit the country and has continued to reply to allegations of human rights violations transmitted to it by the Special Representative;
6. Expresses its regret that, as the Special Representative concluded, the Islamic Republic of Iran has not given adequate follow-up to many of the recommendations contained in previous reports;
7. Calls upon the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to intensify its efforts to investigate and rectify the human rights issues raised by the Special Representative in his observations, in particular as regards the administration of justice and due process of law;
8. Also calls upon the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to comply with international instruments on human rights, in particular the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which the Islamic Republic of Iran is a party, and to ensure that all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction, including religious groups, enjoy the rights recognized in these instruments;
9. Encourages the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to continue to cooperate with the International Committee of the Red Cross;
10. Endorses the view of the Special Representative that the international monitoring of the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran should be continued;
11. Decides to extend the mandate of the Special Representative, as contained in Commission resolution 1984/54 of 14 March 1984, for a further year;
12. Encourages the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to continue to cooperate with the Special Representative;
13. Requests the Special Representative to submit an interim report to the General Assembly at its forty-seventh session on the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran and a final report to the Commission at its forty-ninth session;
14. Requests the Secretary-General to give all necessary assistance to the Special Representative;
15. Decides to continue its consideration of the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a matter of priority, at its forty-ninth session.
54th meeting
4 March 1992
[Adopted by a roll-call vote of 22 to 12,
with 15 abstentions. See chap. XII.]