Narges Mohammadi from Zanjan Women's Prison: "I am Living with Coronavirus with No Medication or Medical Care"

There are 18 of us women prisoners in Zanjan and we have been split up. Six of us who did not have coronavirus symptoms were moved out of the Ward and 12 of us who have had symptoms since 11 days ago are now quarantined in the ward. Last week, with the deterioration of our health and at the request of our families, we were tested for coronavirus, but we were not notified of the test results. Today, suddenly, a number of people entered the Ward and split us up. One of our ward mates who had been transferred to the hospital after her health deteriorated on Thursday was released on bail today.
In the last month, we have had about 30 newcomers, some with coronavirus symptoms and one with proof of infection. When their health deteriorated, they were sent on furlough. The 12 of us are in bed with exhaustion, stomach aches, diarrhea and nausea and loss of smell without proper medication, medical care, or nutrition. In the absence of medical means and space to appropriate space to quarantine newcomers, and with the lack of control of their health, the virus has spread in the Ward. This calls for reflection. I am asking Mr. Namaki, the Minister of Health, to send a representative to look into the situation of Zanjan Women’s Prison.
By means of this letter, I am declaring my legal complaint about the imposed hardship and lack of medical care in Zanjan Prison in the past six months. During this period, and based on an order by the Ministry of Intelligence and the Judiciary, I have been prevented from buying meat with my own funds, obtaining books, or talking to my children who are outside the country. I have not heard my children’s voices in close to one year. And now, I am living with coronavirus with no medication and no medical care.