Abdorrahman Boroumand Center

for Human Rights in Iran

Promoting tolerance and justice through knowledge and understanding
Islamic Republic Officials

Prisoners have been tortured

The Governor of Central Province/ABC Translation
Enqelab Eslami
February 20, 1980
Official document

Mr. Abdollahi, Islamic Revolutionary Prosecutor of Saveh

With all due respects, I am submitting the report of my visit to the Shahrebani Nedamatgah [Police Headquarters' Detention Center] of Saveh and two attachments signed by the authorities at the Police Headquarters. Most prisoners have been tortured in such a way that is even distressing to describe. Even those individuals who have been arrested and tortured 40 days ago are still showing clear signs of torture on their bodies. For most cases, the reason for the arrest is unclear. I urge you to take the appropriate measures and order an end to torture and investigate the situation of the[detainees] and report the findings to the Governor 's Office.

[Signature]: Governor of Central Province.

Attachment 1: Minute

At 8:15 am, on 15 September 1979, Mr. ..., the Governor of the Central Province (Arak) visited the Police Headquarters of the town of Saveh and asked to meet with the detainees of the Revolutionary Prosecution and the Revolutionary Guards of the town of Saveh who were detained in the Police Nedamatgah [detention center]. Then, he met with the detainees in the detention center and talked to them. Following the meeting, [the Governor] required a list of all the above mentioned individuals with mention of the date of their arrest, their charges, and their sentence. The request was officially recorded before all present.

Attachment 2: Forensic Report

To: the General Management of the Ministry 's Office

From: the Forensic Medicine Center

Subject: With regard to the letter 18940/1-1/7/58

Mr. Mohammad Bujari was examined. The result of the examination is the following:

The entire area of the back and the waist are covered with bruises, inflammation, cuts, and various wounds. Injuries caused by a hard object, which are in the process of healing can also be seen around the individual's two wrists. Considering the fact that [those injuries] are healing, the date of the injury is estimated to be 10 days ago.

The necessary healing time is determined to be around 20 days and a new examination will be required.

Dr. ..., Director of the Forensic Center.

Enqelab-e Eslami, 20 February 1980.